/* Google verification tag */ Indian School of Business: International Interview Experience - 5
Indian School of Business

International Interview Experience - 5

This is the interview experience of Mr. A held on 27-11-2006 on telephone.

"I just had my telephonic interview. There where 3 ppl, one fromadcom,one alumni and one current student. The only word which willexplain my interview experience is 'pathetic'. I was grilled on myapplication and had a feeling that the panel was not trusting me. I hadstated all the facts in the application but they where not convincedenough.
My Questions
1. Ppl from which nationality are the most difficult to work with andwhy? (My proj has got ppl from atleast 20 nationality).
2. Ppl from which nationality are easiest to work with. Thankfully nowhy this time.
3. What was ur greatest challenge when you moved to Zurich.
4. How do u handle a situation when one of ur team member is unhappywith his appraisal/promotions.
5. What initiative have u taken in work place. (I told abt proposingautomation processes, which was out sourced to a vendor, andimplementing them and there response was u did not do anything in this:-(( )
6. I had mentioned that I am an active sports-person and they grilled meon if I have represented or played at a professional level.
All in all it was a disaster. "

All the best for the remaing guys who will have interviews from tomorrow.



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