Financial Performance of Andhra Bank in 2006-07
- Operating profit up by 32.43%
- Net profit of Rs. 537.90 Crores, a YoY growth rate of 11%
- The bank's total revenues have grown to Rs. 3,762 crores
- Interest income has increased by 23.97% to Rs. 3,315.32 crores
- Interest income on advances rose to Rs. 2,304 crores
- Net interest income has increased to Rs. 1,417.54 crores
- Total deposits of the bank have shown a growth of 22.20%
- Low cost deposits grew to Rs. 14,314 crores
- Gross bank credit has gone up to Rs. 28,233 crores
- Credit deposit ratio stands at 68.28%
The bank is targeting a growth of 25% in advances and 20% rise in deposits. A comaparative summary of financials of the bank for the last three financial years is tabulated as under
Last traded price of Andhra Bank on BSE on 18-05-2007 ------> Rs.88.10
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